Friday, January 17, 2014

All-the-Rage Raglan Sew-Along

When I started sewing it did not take me long to discover my favorite pattern designer. All of the Scientific Seamstress patterns I tried had me learning new techniques and ending up with gorgeous finished products. Carla (the creator of the Scientific Seamstress patterns) taught me how to sew with minimal frustration. There is not a single pattern of hers that I've tried (and believe me, I've tried many!) that has resulted in a less than fantastic garment.

I still do not have much experience working with knit projects and so the obvious answer for me was to purchase the All-the-Rage raglan sewing pattern and learn the basics from Carla. Here's the first confession of this blog: I bought the pattern on November 1, 2013 and have yet to sew it. I purchased fabric specifically for it and the pattern and fabric have been sitting on my shelf waiting for me to start for months.

And so that brings us to the sew-along! I find it motivates me to have a group sewing through the same pattern within a set period of time. Seeing all of the beautiful creations inspires me to create my own. I contacted Jeanine Thomlinson (one of the fabulous administrators of the Scientific Seamstress lab group) and asked if I could do a sew-along here on my brand new blog.

The sew-along will start January 20th with purchasing the pattern and fabric (a part I already have done!) and preparing the fabric for sewing. We'll start the actual sewing on January 27th thus allowing plenty of time to get everything ready! The sew-along will end February 10th with a randomly selected participant winning a Scientific Seamstress/Sisboom pattern of their choice!

All-the-Rage Raglan pattern link

If you're not already a member of the Scientific Seamstress Lab Group, please join us there! Scientific Seamstress Lab Group


  1. Fun! I've had the pattern quite a bit longer than that, and cannot seem to find the time to sew it. Maybe I need this sew along.

    1. I hope you join us! I have probably more patterns than I care to admit that I haven't sewn but just a few that I have pattern and fabric for and still haven't sewn up. Sew-alongs are great for getting that final push to get something sewn.

  2. I have quite a few SS patterns but I haven't picked this one up...yet...You are making it tempting for sure. I wish you well on your efforts to get sewing!

    1. Shanna, I hope you do pick it up and sew right along with us. The finished ones I've seen are great and I'm excited to make some for my girls!
